17 iunie 2009

quizz 5

Which character are you from FRIENDS?
Your Result: Chandler

You are quick thinking, and are often making your friends laugh. You like to party, and are good at comforting people. You sometimes struggle to know when to be serious, but thats only because you are such a joker!

Which character are you from FRIENDS?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

quizz 4

I can tell you your death
Your Result: Old age

This sad day for your wife and kids will happien on June 28th.You will have surved for the army and would have a great and ausome life.This will be a sad day.Your a great man.

Car reck
Dog attack
I can tell you your death
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

quizz 3

What music genre best describes you?
Your Result: Rock

Rock music best describes you! You are musical and probably play an instrument-you are drawn to the sounds of acoustic and elctric guitars. Some famous Rock artists are Nickelback, Linkin Park, and Kevin Rudolf.

Hip Hop/Rap
What music genre best describes you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

quizz 2 hurray

Are you Gay, Bi, or Straight
Your Result: Straight

you are pure straight. you prefer to date someone the oppisite sex as you. you feel unconfortable dating someone that same gender as you. you are fine with a person the oppisite sex as you XD

Are you Gay, Bi, or Straight
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz


How will I die?
Your Result: You will die in a car accident.

Please, continue to buckle up, and try not to speed. More likely than not, it will happen very randomly and quickly. Occasionally, this result stands for death in a plane crash. Do not fear transportation. Avoid becoming a hermit, you cannot escape fate.

You will die in a nuclear holocaust.
You will be murdered.
You will die from a terminal illness.
You will die of boredom.
You will die in your sleep.
You will die while saving someone's life.
You will die while having sex.
How will I die?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

04 iunie 2009

La vot

Recomand tuturor să meargă la vot. Şi le recomand să voteze EBA! Dacă reuşesc să ajung, promit c-o votez pe ea. Pentru că merg pe ideea : mai bine să stea la ei decât la noi. Europarlamentarii noştri s-au remarcat printr-o incredibilă lipsă de interes. Au fost prezenţi, dar cam atât. Gândiţi-vă numai la ce mediatizare ar căpăta o instituţie atât de puţin cunoscută. Ar afla o grămadă de lucruri toţi cei care citesc exclusiv libertatea, cancan, click şi atac. Trăim în ţara pe care ne-o construim singuri şi ar fi o ipocrizie să prezentăm altceva Europei. Gândiţi-vă că ar putea ajunge acolo vadim sau becali şi-o să realizati că eba nu poate decât să ne pună într-o lumină mai bună. Ce ar putea face domnişoara asta pentru capitala culturală a Aradului. Succes EBA!